Monday, July 21, 2014

Fragile X Awareness Day 2014

Fragile X Syndrome
night time verse to my precious son

Tired boy.  busy days. swimming, splashing, swinging, rocking, laughing. hugs. many many hugs. 

gentle hands-
Touch my face to direct my gaze. 
Pull me down to smell my neck- is it me?  momma.  kisses with your forehead. 

busy feet-
so busy. spinning.  quick quick quick little steps- fast feet.  callus behind your second toe. soft skin, so very very soft. hard world.  callus on your foot.  callus on your hand. 

sweet voice-
no words.  no consonants.  up up up MMMmmmmmMmMMmM
AH!!! AH, AH, AH!!!  in my dreams I hear your voice.  i hear your words.  in my dreams

beautiful eyes-
 look inside.  my heart, you see my heart.  see your happy, see your sad- in your eyes.  look.  please, please look at him.  He sees you. He hears you.  He is here. see his eyes?

don't stop.  won't stop.  keep going. make you happy. make life amazing. make life sweet. 
all my love. all my heart. all my life.

Tuesday, July 22nd is National Fragile X Awareness day.

For more information, please visit 

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